Relazione sul mercato dell’arte e del wealth management

Milano, 28 maggio 2018 Alessia Zorloni presenta una relazione dal titolo “Mercato dell’arte e Wealth Management: un binomio in crescita” nella conferenza dedicata al tema della valorizzazione delle collezioni in Italia e all’estero, organizzata da CBA Studio Legale e Tributario. Read More […]

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Guest Speaker at the Dubai Conference “UNFOLD Art Beyond the BRICS”

Dubai, 19 March 2018 Alessia Zorloni has been invited as guest speaker at the 1st Edition of UNFOLD Art Beyond the BRICS in Dubai, to take part in the panel Art, Finance and Wealth Management addressing the theme to developing a holistic relationship for UHNWIs, with focus on monetizing, partnering and transferring one’s collection. Read […]

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Guest speaker at the Deloitte’s 10th Art & Finance Conference

Milan, 8 November 2017 Alessia Zorloni has been invited as panelist at the Deloitte’s 10th Art & Finance Conference in Milan at Palazzo Mezzanotte, to take part in Panel 1 on the topic: “The role of wealth managers in the management of private collections and collections owned by family businesses – Case study Italy”. Read […]

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Presentazione del libro “Art Wealth Management – Managing Private Art Collections” alla Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

Torino, 7 Marzo 2017 Martedì 7 Marzo, a partire dalle ore 18:00 si svolgerà presso la Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo la presentazione del libro a cura di Alessia Zorloni, Art Wealth Management. Managing Private Art Collections. L’evento organizzato da Mediolanum sarà seguito da una tavola rotonda moderata da Giacomo Nicolella Maschietti, giornalista di ClassCNBC, dal […]

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Release of the book “Art Wealth Management – Managing Private Art Collections”

Milan, 22 November 2016 Deloitte and Springer-Verlag will host an event for the release of the book “Art Wealth Management. Managing Private Art Collections” edited by Alessia Zorloni. The presentation of the book will be followed by a round table moderated by Marilena Pirrelli, journalist for Il Sole 24 Ore, Domenico Filipponi, Art Advisor of […]

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Invited lecture at the Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center (ECADC)

Tallinn, 23-24 September 2016 The Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center (ECADC) is presenting the third edition of its Gallerist Master Course in Tallinn, Estonia, offering training for both practicing and emerging gallerists. Alessia Zorloni has been invited to give a lecture on the International Art Market. Read More […]

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